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Our TeamWar Lantern Team Highlights our staff has over a Century of Combined Electro Optic Experience in almost every aspect of the technology. The key to making good decisions is having the right information. We are dedicated to providing you nothing bust the best Information, Technologies, and Resources to complete your mission. When Lives Matter – War Lantern Full responsibility for all aspects of product performance including manufacturing and test operations for the “night eye” image intensifier portion of the U.S. Navy Tomahawk Cruise Missile managed by the Naval Air Warfare Center. Supported custom stereo camera optic design for the cameras on the NASA Mars Pathfinder Mission. Supported engineering efforts for the M911A night vision monocular mated to a high 8 camera that shot all night footage during the first gulf war, an Emmy was awarded. Maintained a secret clearance as an Electro Optics Image Intensifier Engineer and worked on non-direct view applications of image intensifiers on U.S. Government programs such as: Pioneered and acquired the first ever Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approval (July 2009) for a night vision aviator goggle to FAA standard TSO-C164 Over 20 years in international sales and support of Night Vision Systems Managed and supervised work centers ranging in size from a small eight technician repair shop, to coordinating a 1300 person repair facility with multiple work centers of electronic repair, machine shop, optical repair metrology & calibration. On the manufacturing side, managed and directed from a 3 person Photonics R&D prototype shop to a 75 person laser/I²/Thermal manufacturing facility. Extensive experience in the supervision and management of both civilian and military facilities specializing in the manufacture, repair & overhaul and collimation of a wide range of U.S. and international precision instrumentation to include, but not limited to; Night Vision Equipment (I² devices), I.R./Thermal, lasers (diode, gas, solid state, chemical), all manner of visual observation devices (binoculars, telescopes, rangefinders, transits, theodolites, and microscopes. Established the U.S. Navy’s Night Vision Repair facility at Naval Station, San Diego. Extensive experience in marketing of high technology ITAR and industrial related technical equipment to international military and law enforcement customers. Experienced in supervision of production processes of night vision and thermal imaging equipment. USAF Certified night vision maintenance instructor.
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